Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Karangan waktu tahun akhir sekolah menengah

sekeping kertas yang ditangkap oleh mataku.
aku capai dan aku baca.
heh.. kenangannya.

  There was a rumble of thunder in the distance, followed by a strong gust of wind that send dried leaves flying like a scene out of a horror movie. A short while later, raindrops started falling, the droplets getting bigger as the ferocity of the wind picked up, sending the trees swaying back and forth. That time it was dark outside. Everybody was hurrying, looking for a shelter, except for Luna. She was still at the shore, did not care what was happening around her. Staring at the sea, waiting.
        Suddenly, "Luna! Let's go home! It's raining! You have to go back home!" shouted her mother, Hope. Luna was pretending not to hear her voice. She was still staring at the sea even though the sea was black. Hope reached Luna, then stand in front of her, looking deep into her eyes. She saw sadness in Luna's eyes.
"Luna, listen to me. Let's go home. It's not safe out here and you will catch yourself a fever if you let yourself dripping wet and cold like this. Let's go home and take a hot water. This will make you feel so much better" Hope said, softly. "No. Everything I do will not give me a better feeling! I will wait for him here! I know he will come back! I know he will and I want to be the first person he sees when he reaches this shore!" Luna replied.
       "Luna! Don't you get it! Your brother is gone! Willy is gone! Don't waste your time here Luna... He will not come back..." Hope said, trying to make her faced the reality. Tears were coming from Luna's eyes. She shook her head many times in refusal and said, "no mom...no..." and soon after that, her vision became black.......
      Luna used to have a twin brother named Willy. They were very caring to each other. Luna was always be there for Willy and Willy was always be there for Luna. They were so close and always together all the time. Until one day.... Willy's friends, whose all of them were boys, asked him to join them to go fishing at a small, isolated island. Luna wanted to join them but the boys refused because Luna was a girl. "Girls always cause trouble" they said. Luna watched they gone with a wistful feeling in her heart. Day after that, she waited at the shore but she did not see Willy. She waited for Willy again for the next day but still, Willy was not there. Soon, she continued waiting for Willy to come back at the shore but it was only disappoinment she got in her heart.  
   Luna cried every night. She slept in Willy's bedroom, wearing Willy's favourite shirt and looked at their pictures together most of the time. People and rescue team have been searching and concluded that the boys were sank under the sea. But Luna did not believe that. She waited for Willy everyday at the shore, even in a bad weather hoping her twin brother would be come back. She missed Willy everyday and always stared to the sea. Luna's behaviour worried Hope but she could not do anything......
     One good day at the shore, while Luna was waiting for Willy suddenly she felt so sleepy. She then lent on a coconut tree. But soon after that, she heard someone was calling her name. A very familiar voice. she turned her head to the voice and there, she saw Willy the person that she has been waiting for all this time was running to her. Her face then glowed with cheers. She stood up and then ran to get Willy. "Willy!" Luna cried. 
"Yes Luna I'm here..." answered Willy. "Willy where have you been? I have been waiting for you for so long.. I miss you so much Willy.. Mom also..people said you guys were sank under the sea, but I don't believe that. And today it proves that everything they said is wrong..." after saying that Luna cried and hugged Willy.
     "Luna, what they said is true.. We were sank under the sea.. We were in the different world now my dear sister.. I cannot stand it when you waiting for me everyday here.. don't wait for me again Luna.. I will not come back.. I want you to know, that I love both you and mom so much.. be happy like you used to be Luna.. go on with your life.. don't wait for me.. good bye Luna.." Willy smiled and disappeared.
     Luna then woke up. She remembered what she dreamed just now. She realized something that day. Slowly, she headed home....


kelmarin aku kemas kertas-kertas lama.
dan terjumpa yang ini. memori.
sebab tiap kali aku baca aku selalu teringat tentang apa yang ada di fikiran aku waktu itu.

pantai yang dipukul ribut.
hujan yang lebat.
angin basah yang menampar wajah.
dan... perasaan sayu.

mungkin kalian tidak dapat bayangkan.
tetapi aku, suka sekali bayangan itu.
andai aku duduk di atas batu besar di pantai sebegitu.....

aku tulis di sini, supaya jika hilang kertas tadi, aku masih boleh gali isinya di sini.
harap-harap, walaupun sudah bertahun,
ia  masih memberi bayangan yang sama seperti aku tingkatan 5 dahulu.


  1. oh, karangan nih.
    well done ca!
    leeeeeeeev it so much!
    aku punye pasal mamat sesat, then terjumpe satu rumah ni yang ada dua pmpuan which then turned out that he knew one of the girl and well, macam jejak kasih plus bermulalah bibit cinta. ahahaha.

  2. hahaha..macam romantik je ko punya!
    mesti sweet an!
    thank you ni, ko ingat lagi ya tajuk teacher roliyati yang ni ya..hehe awesome.

  3. wah, masih simpan karangan time form 5. hebat, aku punyer memori time sekolah sumer dah kena bakar! haha

  4. weh siyes simpan ag .. nak cari gak ah ade tak karangan y membuat cikgu aq gelak je bace isi aq .. sume ngarut jer ,, hehe

  5. sedih la cter 2..
    cm terbayang2 si luna 2 ngah tggu willy..
    claps 4 u..mantap vocab ko...

    aku pn suke bayangkn pantai bile sedih..
    sbb aku suke lepak kt pantai time cuti...
    lyn pasaan..hhehehhe

  6. akmal: hah siapa yang membakonye..usop kak limah ke hihi..

    mai: sentimental..tapi ni pon nasib kemas almari buku kat umah tu yang jumpa balik. haha dan2 je..entah2 cikgu tersenyum sebab terharu hehe..

    pia:sama ah kita..sep tangan!! :)
