Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dear December

Dear December,

I met new people,
I met my bestfriends everyday,
I caused my love to cry every night also.
Everyday is a new story.
I try to fit in the chapters,
and most of the time I did.
I clearly know, being yourself is the best priority,
and it makes me happy.
My confident rise and drop,
I hate it, but somehow, it tells me who am I.
Everyday I saw everybody around me smile,
even those are not for me,  it is enough to preserve my 'feel good' atmosphere.
I teach and being taugh,
My expression always changing.
But yet, I received one thing that money can't buy.
the experience
I know my love well,
each day I got deeper knowledge about him.
Silently, I thanked to everyone,
for accepting my presence.
Without their realization, I care for them,
even it looks like it doesn't.

and hey, December, you are mine, got it?
you has my birthdate in yours.
I love you this year, December.
(no, it's not like I hate you before, you are a bit special this year, December)
I love you.
and totally will miss you heavily.
I really miss your dates this year December. 
I'm missing it already.
darn! =(
I love you.